Hey Friends,
If you love taking some pictures of your pet or if you want to immortalize a beautiful moment with him, this post is definitely for you. If you’re not yet convinced by this idea, just read it carefully. You will find some advices to do a photo shoot your pet like a boss and with fun !
Our lovely pets are a part of the family and we love taking pictures of them in different situations, funny moments, during a nap, in front of a beautiful background … When we have a look at the cellphone photos gallery of a pet owner, we often notice that his furriend takes a lot of space into this one. Many people calls photographers to take pictures of themselves, couples or family …
But what about organizing a photo shoot with your pet ? And immortalize his beauty, your complicity or the joviality of the one who shares your life … Everyone enjoys watching a beautiful shot of his pet, likes to share a funny photo or show the world his beautiful face.
In a studio session or outside, alone or with his owners, disguised or not … there are different ways to find your style.
There are many different categories in animal photography, classic photo studio session or offset with appropriate environments, outdoor artistic pictures with fairy atmospheres, dog shows with a beautiful stance …
Personally, I’m a big fan of wildlife photography with free animals, although I realize that it’s not necessarily possible for all, depending on the animals and what you like.

Louise, “Sebphoto”‘s daughter loves posing with Malcolm
I have plenty pictures of Malcolm because I have the chance to realize it by myself, but we also appreciate to organize some photo sessions at his side, whether for brands, partnerships or simply to keep beautiful memories.
We chose our friend SebPhoto for several shootings because he is specialized in Owners and Dog’s pics and he does a fabulous work.
Seb is a real Animal lover and he really likes to capture love and complicity during his sessions. All his pictures are extremely natural and spontaneous, which for me distinguishes his work from other photographers.
Check out his gallery and discover his wonderful work
Choosing a professional Animal photographer to carry out your photo sessions, can guarantee you a provider certainly more qualified and equipped for this kind of services and who is generally passionate about animals. These photographers generally know how to work with them and will be more patient, although I have no doubt that other photographers from other styles enjoy working with animals.
Also, I know that many people may not dare to start a photo shoot with his pet lest he does not listen enough, but you should know that your pet don’t need to be a dog model to take great pictures ! It can be more or less sporty but with patience we usually get very nice things.
Here some tips for having a cooperative pet:
– Prepare treats and accessories that he likes to capture your dog’s attention
Many dogs are greedy and love being obedient for food, some of them prefer toys.
– Do not spend too much time
Usually when I take some pictures of Malcolm, it takes about ten minutes. For a real shooting it can last longer, it is wise to make small breaks and let your dog go sniffing and drink … it helps a lot to keep his concentration longer
– Choose quiet and empty places
Outdoor noises and other dogs tend to distract a dog that does not maintain a “stay”. Privileging quiet places will help your little companion to focus on you and the photographer. Be careful with off leash sessions, if your dog doesn’t have a good recall !
– Avoid flashes (as far as possible)
Some sessions are necessarily done with flash including those in studios, but you should know that it is not often appreciated by our furriends, they can even find it unpleasant. Regarding some photos taken at home, personally I find there is nothing more naughty than a pic of a dog (or cat) with laser eyes surrounded by yellow, red or green rays because of a flash ^^. These kind of photos do not really show off their pretty faces. I never use a flash for Malcolm because my photographs were made with a natural light. The sun also shines a lot on his dark mask so I appreciate softer lights or the slightly cloudy weather.
– Do not be afraid to make ridiculous noises to catch a glance
Animals are very reactive to sharp and funny noises and to sounds of positive voices. Most of the time, they release their most beautiful expressions when they hear sounds they like. This technical works most of the time in addition of accessories and food. But some dogs like Malcolm have understood the game of some photographers, when they make small noises to get his attention …
Sometimes he deliberately doesn’t look at the lens and voluntarily turn his head. At this same moment, we try by saying his name, accentuate the stupid sounds but nothing works … So the real secret is to make a real silence, wait and here we are ! He poses like a model.
Avoid shootings in overwhelming heat
When a dog is too hot we just lose his attention … he looks for fresh air, he sweats, his tongue hangs. That’s clearly not the good moment to catch his best poses. Remember to moisturize your pet by giving him a drink. A stressed dog starts to sweat, so just try to relax and make it cool because dogs can feel our emotions.
All these tips will help your pet to relax and enjoy his glory moment !
What did you think of this article, friends? Did it make you want a photo shoot with your pet ? Feel free to leave us impressions in comments. And tell us, what other subject you would like in the future.
See you soon for an upcoming article !
Love it!
Thank you friends ! Love your photographs so much <3
Do you do shoots with cats?